El prisionero 13

Prisioner 13

Special Showcase

Country: Mexico
Year: 1933
Language: Spanish
Runtime: 76 mins.

Transitory film between silent cinema and talkies that shows the narrative ability of Fernando de Fuentes. Work included in the director's "Trilogy of the Revolution", films with which he captures a critical vision of the armed movement at a time when the intellectual and artistic elite praised it with an exacerbated nationalism. The film, part of the Filmoteca's collection, was restored and included with the two others that make up the trilogy in a recent DVD edition.

Fernando de Fuentes

Director: Fernando de Fuentes
Cast Alfredo del Diestro, Luis G. Barreiro, Adela Sequeyro, Arturo Campoamor, Adela Jaloma, Emma Roldán, Alicia Bolaños.
Cinematography: Ross Fisher.
Production: Gustavo Sáenz de Sicilia, Luis Sánchez Tello.
Screenplay: Fernando de Fuentes, Miguel Ruiz.
Editing: Aniceto Ortega.
Music: Guillermo A. Posadas.


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