What Travelers Are Saying About Jornada del Muerto

International Documentary

Country: United States
Year: 2021
Language: English
Subtitles: Spanish
Runtime: 14 mins.

Visitors and residents of the Tularosa Basin, site of the first detonation of an atomic bomb, contribute to the production of public memory as they offer logistical advice, philosophical reckonings, and plaintive cries about making "the journey of the dead." Made in remembrance of the 75th anniversary of the detonation of nuclear weapons in Japan and the US and the 340th anniversary of the 1680 Pueblo Revolt.

Hope Tucker

Hope Tucker reconceptualizes what we know as a daily form of narrative through The Obituary Project. Over the past twenty years, works from the project have screened in hundreds of international exhibition spaces.

Director: Hope Tucker
Cinematography: Hope Tucker
Editing: Hope Tucker
Sound: Hope Tucker
contacto: hope@theobituaryproject.org


17:00 (Horario CST)
Cinemex Stadium | Sala 4

San Miguel de Allende
11:00 (Horario CST)
Teatro Santa Ana